Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Two things
Two: Don't eat onions on your sandwich at lunch. The smell wont go away and you'll be afraid to speak to any one at your job for the rest of the afternoon.
Thursday, April 2, 2009
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Who is probably the most adorable thing to walk the face of this planet. I mean, come on, will you just look at that face?
But today interweb, today, I discovered that Dubs has a blog. It's like the shiba-inu puppy cam, except without the live feed.
I implore you to click the link, click it!
Friday, March 13, 2009
Google horoscope is So True
"Although there's a lot going on in your life now, you might just want to coast through the day. Of course you will need to do a certain amount of work to get by, but you intuitively know that it makes more sense to conserve your energy today than to expend it. More will be required of you when active Mars enters your sign over the weekend. Next week will be a whole new ballgame, so you might as well rest up until then."
So true! The class that I am taking pass/fail has its final tomorrow, so I'm not putting in quite as much effort as I might have otherwise. And with finals week next week will be 'a whole new ballgame', what with my last two finals and PACKING *sob* for my trip to LONDON for which I leave on SUNDAY!
Saturday, March 7, 2009
Mais, oui!
"Yes, I mean oui. Un petite amount." Because this totally demonstrates your grasp of the french language.
Me and Pippen spent about an hour last night with two French men attempting to find an exclusive European bar on the ave. There was most definitely a language barrier as the only French I could manage to remember consisted of yes, no and I understand. Very help full when giving directions. We did however get 'un invite' to their 'magnifizent show' at Meanie Hall. As in, their French Ballet show.
We met hot French Ballet men.
Or as Pippen has taken to calling them 'Monsieur Hot French'. However the tickets for the ballet are 38$, merde.
Friday, March 6, 2009
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Not the fact that proposition 8 is being appealed, because it should be, but the fact that it has to be appealed at all. I really can't get over the fact that will still live in a nation where fundamental rights can be taken away from a group of people. Even more so that for prop 8 to even have been put on the ballot someone took time out of their day to essentially say, 'yes, I think I'll ruin this group of people's lives this year'. This is even sadder to me after watching Milk. While I really only listened to about half of the movie I was still bawling at the end and if you happened to see the acceptance speech given by the young man who wrote the screen play at the academy awards the movie is even more heart wrenching. By which I mean to say you should go watch the movie immediately if you haven't done so yet.
It's scary that something like prop 8 can pass in California, which is generally the most forward thinking on gay rights. What does this mean for the rest of states?
Tuesday, March 3, 2009
"U blow asiso cock" you blow asian cock
"Did you jew out" to my jewish friend
"it's my biqthday and i wishu where here!!!" It's my birthday and I wish you where here
"Ian drunk!iso wirh you wierehere!!!" I am drunk. I so wish you where here!
"Let me know when znur nutsidge" Let me know when you're outside.
I was told I had a great time.
Monday, March 2, 2009
Today, my friends, is my 21st birthday.
I will attempt to have an 'I've been driiiinking post', but only if I don't feel like their is a chance I might throw up on my laptop. Actually, scratch that. Interweb, I will see y'all tommorow in my post drinking haze (hangover).
Thursday, February 26, 2009
You know you're a college student when:
That was a particularly bad Red vs. Blue reference. If anyone a) knows what that is and b) knows what quote I'm mimicking I will...give you a hypothetical gold star!
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
All in the family
"limers! you saw the limers! I never see the limers, dam im jealous and they're my favorite type too, ringtailed!(i dont think I spellled limers right)"
The word she's looking for is lemurs, these fuzzy guys:

For background my sister is not, as her Facebook comment of my photo makes her appear, in 7th grade but is in fact a junior in high school.
Tuesday, February 24, 2009
What I just realized
*and by political 'spear' I meant 'sphere'. I should probably just take a break from trying to write, apparently my brain does not wish to function correctly (aka, I am to lazy to proofread)
Friday, February 20, 2009
I am on MEDS
Thursday, February 19, 2009
In other news:
"The quickest way to get me to sneak out of your party is to suggest we play charades, unless the rules are that you have to take a shot of tequila every time someone yells out, "SOUNDS LIKE?" Then I'll be sleeping on your couch and stealing your Ibuprofen."
Forgoing the first and very last part of that sentence, taking a tequila shot every time someone yells out "sounds like?" sounds like (lol) what I'm going to be convincing the roomies to do Friday night (or maybe tonight). Thanks Dooce!
Also, Pippen's 21 run is on Saturday. I expect to be BOD by ten, give or take a couple of hours towards the noon-ish Saturday side.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
50 De-Stimulating Facts
An entertaining read if you're not a Republican.

This coat, I must have its. It's Michael Kors, charcoal black, $79.99 marked down from $315 and, this is the best part, there's only one left and it's in my size!
So, thoughts? Should I put out the cash? Yay? Nay? You know of a better deal elsewhere?
Sunday, February 8, 2009
The Irish Flu
1. There is no more ibuprofen
2. I will need to take more ibuprofen later to combat the Irish Flu
3. Because of the Irish Flu I will not be walking/stumbling to the store to get more ibuprofen
If you don't know what the Irish Flu is just think a little harder, unless of course you're hungover too, then don't think too hard, because I know that hurts.
Friday, February 6, 2009
Because I am bored at work and too lazy to be creative
1. I used to write fanfiction (ok, ok, I still do sometimes).
2. I will watch any crime scene show marathon, Law and Order, CSI, NCIS etc.
3. I've never gotten a job where the boss isn't a family friend. (No, my family is not involved in the mob)
4. I am adicted to cheeze-its, even thought the white cheddar cheese ones make me sick to my stomach.
5. I read manga.
6. Even though I'm an English major I think it may be one of the most pointless major's ever.
7. I have to use my fingers to add and subtract (possibly why I'm an English major).
8. I'm studying abroad in London next quarter.
9. I have the worst spelling of any of my friends (I blame Microsoft Word)
10. I told my family I'm going to Law School after college to get them off my back about being an English major.
11. I have no idea what I'm doing with myself after college.
12. I love, love love fantasy books.
13. I believe that Harry Potter is real and am still waiting for my delayed enrollment to Hogwarts.
14. I love Battle Star Galactica more than a fat kid loves cake.
15. I love cartoons meant for adolescent boys.
16. I only have one kidney.
17. Top Gun and Apollo 13 are my favorite movies of all time.
18. I seriously considered going to the Naval Academy solely based on watching the above mentioned movies.
19. I wore The One Ring as an accessory during the first half of high school.
20. In an attempt to negate all the dorky stuff, I was the Capitan and MVP of my high school volleyball team.
21. I was going to go to college to play volleyball but after visiting the school hated it and decided to come to UW (my parents are still bitter).
22. I play online pet games(don't judge).
23. If I was shaped like a Victoria's Secret model I would buy all my clothes from them, or J. Crew.
24. I am the JVC Volleyball coach at my former highs school.
25. I hate mustard with a fiery passion.
There! Wasn't that fun? 25 things you didn't need/want to know about moi!
14 Days
Tuesday, February 3, 2009
Because I know the rest of you care about punctuation as much as I do*
"The apostrophe has been outlawed in Birmingham, England—the birthplace of overcrowding as a civic planning strategy. Check out the number of comments below the article.
From now on, no sign produced by Birmingham City Council will contain the punctuation mark.
Debates over whether Kings Norton really should be King’s - or even Kings’ - Norton may rage on, but they will be useless.
And nearby Druids Heath - which was never actually home to one, let alone many, druids - will never take on the possessive, no matter how furious local apostrophe advocates become.
The council said the move had been taken for the purposes of consistency and to avoid costs and confusion over whether place names should ever take an apostrophe.
However the decision was described as “absolute defeatism” by John Richards, the founder of the Apostrophe Protection Society.
Ah, the heroic John Richards: fighting injustice, poverty, and hate. Against punctuation. Brilliant use of time and energy. However, we could use some dangling punctuation banning here in Newfoundland. If I see one more sign that reads something like
For sale: organic “eggs”
I think I’ll freak out. I actually said to someone, “Dude, if they need to be in quotes, they’re probably not organic. Or eggs.”"
What will they do without the comma!? This made me immeasurably sad but also made me LOL. Also, There is an 'Apostrophe Protection Society'? I will have to check this out and get back to you ever concerned grammarians(which I had to use spell check to get correct, shame).And yes, check out some of the comments below the article:
"They're really not that difficult, y'know -- apostrophes. I taught it all from the ground up to my criminal barrister husband -- no one had ever bothered before. He's a happier man. Where is this online petition, by the way?" - Well, if her husband can do it, then we all can!
"I'm sure that I could easily waste tax payers money far more efficiently. Perhaps they might like to slip me a few bob so that I can chuck it into my daughters Saving's Account. Shes a lovely kid, but has no concept of managing her expense's. It seem's that her private education has been was'ted. Sign's, pah! Who care's?" -This man and George Bush could be friends, really.
"Oh dear Mr Mullaney. It is fitting that Birmingham Council and its illiterates lead the way in buggering up the written word. They have already debased the spoken word by way of their appalling accent!" -This just seemed so British I couldn't resist.
There were 232 comments when I found these, check it!
*please excuse all punctuation and grammar errors I may have made
Monday, February 2, 2009
My Extended Weekend
Friday-Didn't go to class. Dog sat the cutest dog ever who decided it would be a good idea to pee on roomate #4's comforter. Pissed off roomate #4, fled to work. Got home from work at nine and watched three hours of The Shield with The Boyfriend. Attempted to go to sleep but Alan was playing NBA live so decided to go back to my own bed. Discovered that roomate #4's boyfriend was over. Went back to The Boyfriend's to sleep.
Saturday- Dragged all laundry home to my parents because I'm too cheap to use the pay ones in my apartment. Actually did some of my English homework. Tried not to fall asleep while helping my mom make dinner. Went to The Boyfriends and watched Back to the Future. Attemted to go to bed early but got conned into a game of 90's trivial pursuit, boys versus girls. Trivial pursuit is byiast to the male gender. Alan tricked friend into calling The White House smashed ("The White House?" pause "This is Bob Barker). Went back to apartment to sleep.
Sunday-Slept in. Made Superbowl goodies with Pipen and McGee to take to guy friends house. Discovered that bbq drumsticks are cheap and tasty. Ate and drank a lot. Stumbled back to The Boyfriends after the Superbowl and watched Puppy Bowl V for two hours. Attempt to go to own apartment only to be informed by Pipen that Roomate #4's boyfirend is over. Watch another episode of The Shield with The Boyfriend. Even though it's a 'To Be Continued' episode are too tired to bother watching the next. Go home, put in earplugs, and fall asleep.
Saturday, January 31, 2009
I made thiz lolz
Friday, January 30, 2009

Pride and Prejudice and Zombies
The Classic Regency Romance—Now with Ultra violent Zombie Mayhem!I'm not sure what to think. I love, love, love Jane Austin and this sounds like a major travesty. I'm fairly positive this book isn't a farce, but at this point I'm not sure. On the other hand...zombies do make everything more interesting, right?
(Found via Book Ninja)
Will I still go see the movie when it comes out in 2010 when I am a 23 year old women............(That elongated ellipse was for the mini panic attack I just had typing 23)
*I was going to find some really sweet photos of Avatar to post here to woo all three of four of you who read this to **go watch the show immediately, but I'm at work and it would look really odd if someone saw me looking through cartoon photos.
**Pretty good attempt at subliminal messaging, yes?
Thursday, January 29, 2009
New Best Thing EVAH!

Yes, this is where I found the boots I posted about below. I am not cool enough to actually go out and look for something like that on my own. This is what I have Google reader and the internet for.
Searching For:

Or something very similar in a size 10. I've been searching the interweb but can only seem to find them in 7s and 8s.
Ready, Set....Stay

Because I am cool and worldly. (I'm actually reading her autobiography but I couldn't find a picture) And this book:

Because I am going to LONDON! (Except that it's the 2008 ENGLAND version, Google, you have failed me).
However most likely I will either nap, or play the sims, or catch up on NCIS.
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
There's alway one
In my Japanese section this person express their superior language skills by responding about half a second faster than the rest of the class. This means that when the teacher asks the whole class to respond there is one voice that is one word ahead. So if the teacher asked the class to say, "What was the weather like this weekend?" The answer, already jumbled because of the foreign language, becomes a mass of mumbo jumbo. For me, this means I can't tell if I'm actually responding correctly because this person also always assumes they are correct and makes sure to let the class know by speaking at a higher volume than everyone else.
So this post is for you Mr. I'm-better-at-Japanese-than-my-peers-and-need-to-show-this-by-being-an-ass, thanks for making a difficult language even harder.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009

I feel...accomplished!
Today I actually took the time to a) find out who my representatives are in the Washington State Legislature and b) write them! In case anyone is still reading, WA is cutting funding to higher education by 13%, which is a lot. We're talking like, millions of dollars to my University alone. As someone invested in the public educations system here I decided to let them know I don't like their 13% cut idea. Which resulted in this: Dear Mr. Carlyle, I am writing to express my concern over the suggested 13% budget cut to Washington's higher education facilities. As a junior at the University of Washington this cut will greatly effect me and my peers studies during the rest of our time at the U. I am especially concerned as the amount of money being cut to UW, at 13%, would be more than the College of Arts and Sciences' budget for one year. I want to be sure that I will have the same access to resources (both through student resource programs and professors, assistant professors, and TAs) as I finish my education as I did when I was accepted to the University. Thank you for your time and consideration on this point. Sincerely, Selena And I requested a response. Time to see if public servants are actually working for you! | |
Monday, January 26, 2009
What would you do?
That's actually not the question I want to ask but that is the song that popped into my head when I said the phrase 'what would you do' out loud. That's 'What Would You Do' by City High possibly released in 2001 (Google did not immediately give me the year so I'm not going to search for it) in case anyone was curious.
ANYWAY-What would you do if your roommate (roommate #4) decided to have sex with her boyfriend at 4:30 in the afternoon when you are still home? In the room next to yours with walls that have the sound retention equivalent of those paper sliding doors they have in Japan? I thought there was some sort of unspoken rule about not having sex when your roommates are home but, apparently I was wrong.
If you're me you turn on your loudest music possible (Rage Against The Machine) and point your laptop at her wall. This works well for two reasons 1) It's Rage Against The Machine which is by default loud and 2) Rage has the added bonus of conveying your current feelings about the situation well. This emotion is anger. I felt that this response was appropriately passive aggressive as it allowed me to express my feelings with out having to actually confront anyone, success!
Little Joys
Friday, January 23, 2009
What do these things have in common?
It burns! Tight! Amazing! Fuck! Chiseled! Fuck off! Shit! Yes!
Besides all ending in exclamation points they are all things that can be yelled at the annoyingly perky 8 min buns instructor. Coincidentally the 8 min buns is the only video where he asks you questions such as "how do you want your but to look?"and "Can you feel the burn?"
Fuck yes I can feel the burn, thank you very much.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Bone Crossed!

The next book in Patricia Briggs, Mercy Thompson series comes out next month! This series is what I refer to as my 'trash literature'. You don't get any 'literary points' for reading it but the story sucks you in and you can't put down the book for three hours while you put off all you impending homework and power read through it. In other words, if you need to get out of town for a while put can't afford a real vacation I would suggest picking up the first book in this series, Moon Called. If you like werewolves, vampires, magic and urban fantasy you'll love it.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Friday, January 16, 2009
Class? On Friday? That's silly...
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Safety Fail
Anyway, on to the story.
While we were all in the apartment below ours last night (not drinking), our fourth roommate (I guess she thought we were all asleep...) locked the door on the way to her night shift. This resulted in much wailing by me, Scottie Pippen, and Drunky McGee and much laughing by The Boyfriend and Alan (yes, the same Alan). Luckily for us and all the would be burglars in the U district it is painfully easy to break into our apartment. Roommate number four's window doesn't lock and through a delicate process of swearing and pushing me and Drunky McGee managed to get the window open. McGee then managed to haul herself through the window which, because it is situated above a staircase, was an interesting process. Imagine an adolescent kangaroo attempting to hop through a small-ish rectangle, urged on by enthusiastic waving. Odd, but successful.
This story has a happy ending. Instead of sleeping on couches in a house that all boys live in (beds were offered, we declined) we all got to sleep in our nice warm beds. The moral here is probably that we should all bring our keys with us and lock the door. But as keys are cumbersome things that manage to get lost easily, this change most likely won't take place.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009

This teat(I was going to change this typo when I found it several hours later to tea but teat tray is fun to say and probably says something spectacularly Freudian about me) tray. (image via The Most Awesomest Stuff Ever via Target)
Mission: Get Your Ass Out of Bed
Monday, January 12, 2009
They're Inching In
1) While amusing the books are poorly written. Bella Swan? Practically the first entry under character development (also lacking in the books) is not to give your character an obvious name. i.e. bella swan= beautiful swan, pretty sneaky eh?
2) The books are disturbing in the the way they portray females. Bella gives up everything (literally, she dies) for her Edward. The point at which I stopped reading the books (anyone who knows me will tell you I'm a sucker for urban fantasy) was when Bella decided against college because she wouldn't be able to be with Edward.
3) All of the above makes a lot more sense when I found out that Meyer is Mormon. At the risk of offending the people (maybe?) who read this blog, I strongly, strongly disagree with the Mormon church and their ideals. Knowing from what religious background Meyer is writing it is easy to see the parallels between Bella's story and the female ideal in the Mormon church. It also makes it a lot easier to see why Bella's character infuriated me to the point of putting the books down.
Anyway, what all my rambling was meant to say was this: I can't believe that the Twilight series occupies three out of ten slots on the bestsellers list for 2008. I know the publishing world needs all the help it can get right now (and I really do, I work at a bookstore) but I wish it didn't have to come from such a deplorable piece of fiction.
Sunday, January 11, 2009
I killed someone last night.
There's not exactly an excess of personal space in college. Rooms are small and landlords cram as many people as possible into a single space. However, when one of your guy friends has their door closed and you know their girlfriend is over it's possible that you shouldn't barge into his room. Maybe. My friend Alan had the pleasure of doing just this last night. The episode went something like this:
Alan: shocked expression
Alan: quickly closes door and runs
Me: alternate between telling the boyfriend he needs a lock and that he too is dead if he opens the door before all my clothes are on all the while muttering about Alan's death under my breath.
Boyfriend: "Just stay hear I'll talk to him." Leaves room and comes back to inform me that Alan has left the property.
Me: "as he should have because I'm going to KILL HIM!"
Boyfriend: While walking me back to my apartment (smart man) we see Alan where I promptly and loudly inform the whole University district that he is a DEAD MAN WALKING!
Anyway, Boyfriend talked to Alan (who in his defense was quite trashed) who promptly came to apologize to me. I'd like to plead temporary insanity for the ten minutes I went on a screaming rampage, I think I scared/shocked all my friends with the outburst (albeit warranted). Usually when I'm angry it's more of a calm and collected type, I don't yell or make a scene. When Alan accidentally barged in last night 'Made A Scene' would be a more than appropriate way to describe my response. All in all as I said to the boyfriend last night "Alan is my bitch for the next three to six months." I've mostly forgiven him.
Thursday, January 8, 2009
I have decided to limit myself to one cup (be it large or small, the key word is one) cup in the morning. This will probably be subject to change, i.e.:I'm having a horrible day, midterms, hungover, that time of the month. Hmmm, hopefully I can make this work. We'll see. As I write I am currently drinking a nonfat decaffeinated latte, maybe I can trick my brain out of it's 5 o'clock headache.